Sunday, August 8, 2010

"Non-Traditional Landscape"

1. 11x 15 in.
2. there is an acrylic wash in the background and the rest is sharpie and charcoal
3. It's supposed to be like the hands are growing out of the earth. The one on the far left is the one fully grown, while the other two are still in the growing stage.
4. I think that something more needs to be added to make it seem complete. I wanted the focus to be on the drawing of the hands, and I couldn't decide on how to add something to connect the piece without taking away from them.
5. 81

Monday, August 2, 2010

Myself in 20 (revised)

So when I started trying to make the original better, I think I made it, if possible, even worse. I did the words inside the 'maze' and the hand and foot outline on top of everything. I also added more black spaces. As I added these things, though, I just couldn't see where it was going. I'm not really proud of this one..

Jim Dine (revised)

When I first did this one, I liked the simplicity of it--how there were just the 2 drawings. But when I looked at it again a few days ago, I thought it looked terrible. This one turned out to be really frustrating because, as I added different elements, I was afraid I was losing the focal point of the screw. I wanted the focus to be on the charcoal drawing. I tried not to let it get consumed by everything else--well anyway this is how it turned out!

Ordinary/Extraordinary (revised)

For this one, I decided to do the gears just to add a little something. I also painted the blue and darkened the sharpie in some areas. I wanted make sure to keep the movement because that is probably the best thing about this piece.

Figure Drawing (revised)

I didn't do much to improve this one except use charcoal to darken the face. I also used paint to define the rectangles in the background a bit more.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

"Jim Dine Tool Inspired"

1. 11x15 in
2. acrylic paint and charcoal
3. I just wanted to do a somewhat simple, up-close detailed drawing of the tools. I didn't want a lot of extra to distract from the main drawing.
4. I think this one turned out really well. I like the dull colors with the bit of red.
5. 91

"Portrait of yourself in 20 years"

1. 11x15 in
2. charcoal, acrylic paint, sharpie
3. 20 years from now is full of unknowns for me. This was supposed to have the idea of a maze--but an imperfect or impossible one. Life is like a never-ending maze and one that you have to continue, despite getting blocked. The lightbulbs are symbolizing events in life that made me who I am. The figure is just a generic form without any features because when I am 37 who knows what I will look like--it will be based on my experiences.
4. I like this and think it is interesting. I think that something needs to be added to create more unity, though I was trying to make a definite devision between the figure and maze.
5. 87

Monday, June 28, 2010

"Ordinary object done in an extraordinary way"

1. 11x15 in
2. watered down acrylic paint for the wash in the background and sharpie
3. I did a watch and other clocks with sharpie. I wanted to focus more on the design of this by creating movement throughout.
4. This is probably not the best, but I really like it. I think I accomplished what I wanted with the way the eye is carried throughout the piece.
5. 87

"Figure drawing done from an unusual pespective"

1. 11x15 in
2. acrylic paint and charcoal
3. I did myself climbing up a rope ladder, reaching up. The perspective is from up above. Everything is painted, and charcoal is used for some shading and for the rectangles in the background.
4. I like the way this turned out, though I know there are a few things that could be improved-like more darks and color for the skin. Overall, I think it has some good design elements and I think it's interesting.
5. 90